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Sending email through SMTP February 11, 2006

Posted by rossoft in CakePHP.

In my webhost provider, the function mail() doesn’t work. I have to send email through a SMTP, but PHP doesn’t support this directly (only in Windows, and you have to touch the php.ini)

1. Copy the following code to /app/controllers/components/email.php



* EmailComponent for sending email through a SMTP server


* @author      rossoft

* @version     0.1

* @license		MIT



define('PHPMAILER_SUBDIR','phpmailer' . DS);vendor(PHPMAILER_SUBDIR. 'class.phpmailer');

class EmailComponent extends Object


var $thtml;

var $layout='email';

var $to = null;

var $controller;

var $from = CONFIG_SMTP_EMAIL;

var $subject = null;

var $cc = null;

var $bcc = null;

var $formatoHTML=false; //false ->texto, true->html

var $charset="utf-8";

function startup(&$controller)


$this->controller =& $controller;


function send()


return $this->_sendmail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->_message());



* Envia el email

* @param array $to Destinatarios. Cada elemento puede ser un dirección o un array nombre-dirección

* @param string $subject Asunto del mensaje

* @param string $mensaje El mensaje

* @param string $from Remitente.


function _sendmail($to,$subject,$mensaje,$from='')


$mail = new PHPMailer();


$mail->SetLanguage('en',VENDORS .PHPMAILER_SUBDIR);

$mail->CharSet= $this->charset;

$mail->IsSMTP();                                   // send via SMTP

$mail->Host     = CONFIG_SMTP_HOST; // SMTP servers

$mail->SMTPAuth = true;     // turn on SMTP authentication

$mail->Username = CONFIG_SMTP_USER;  // SMTP username

$mail->Password = CONFIG_SMTP_PASS; // SMTP password

if ($from =='') $mail->From = CONFIG_SMTP_EMAIL;

else $mail->From = $from;

$mail->FromName = '';

foreach ($to as $address)




//$mail->WordWrap = 50;                              // set word wrap

//$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz");      // attachment

//$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg");

$mail->IsHTML($this->formatoHTML);                               // send as HTML

$mail->Subject  =  $subject;

$mail->Body     =  $mensaje;

//$mail->AltBody  =  "This is the text-only body";



function _message()






$content= ob_get_clean();


return $content;




Don’t forget to edit the params at the top of the file

2. Download this class and put the files class.phpmailer.php class.smtp.php phpmailer.lang-en.php into /vendors/phpmailer

3. Include the email component

4. Example of usage.
In your action put:
function myaction()
$this->set(‘data’,$this->params[‘data’]);//set $login variable
$this->email->thtml = ‘accept_email’;
$this->email->to = array($this->params[‘data’][‘Customer’][’email’]);
$this->email->subject = ‘hello !’;
Then create the file /app/views/mycontroller/accept_email.thtml , this is a normal view file and will be the body of your mail.


1. Olegs - March 17, 2006

I did not read your blog,sorry 🙂 published this:

2. rossoft - March 17, 2006

no problem, it’s your code

3. classifiedsgoa - September 25, 2008

Nice Script

4. murugesh - December 8, 2009


5. Vigin Kurakar - October 5, 2010

if its working?

6. Vigin Kurakar - October 5, 2010

please give the code with html format also.

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